Ultimate Support IQ-X-200 Second Tier Keyboard Stand

IQ Series Second Tier Solution for IQ-X 1000, IQ-X 2000 and stands with .788-1" Diameter Tubing

The IQ-X-200 is a foldable second tier solution designed for your IQ-X-1000 for IQ-X-2000 X style keyboard stand from Ultimate Support. After a performance, your IQ-X-200 folds down and travels with the rest of your IQ-X-1000 or IQ-X-2000. The IQ-X-200 features three height settings, allowing you to adjust your second tier to fit your needs, and can angle inward to support smaller controllers. If all this sounds great to you, but you don't have an IQ-X stand, it still might work for you. Thanks to an adjustable attachment that can fit between .788-1" diameter, the IQ-X-200 will fit a number of other stands as well!
